Thursday, October 9, 2008

Pushing past a plateau

I'm eagerly awaiting the push past 13 miles... right now, as we slow ramp up, I'm getting impatient waiting for the "real" training to start. I guess since I've run the half before, nothing under 13 miles seems like that great of an achievement, well at least not for me at this point. I've only run the 13 once and been past 10 a handful of times, and it's been quite awhile since those actually. This weekend is our first 10 miler and it's all double digits from here on the long runs-- no more pansy 7 milers on the weekend! This is the point of no return, where turn in our 3 wheeler for big girl bikes and see how far we can coast without crashing!

Haven't been able to run with Erin any this week. My schedule's been packed with additional Baby Boot Camp classes, a jewelry party, and YMCA new hire training which I have to head out to in about, oh, 10 minutes. It's felt kind of lonely without my running buddy, and I realize how grateful I am to have someone undertaking this incredibly overwhelming challenge with me!

It's all the exercise I'm doing in addition to the marathon training that's wearing me out. I'm teaching 5 Baby Boot Camp classes a week (actually seven this past week!) plus teaching yoga at Impact Fitness. I'm about to start teaching an additional yoga class at the Y, which I'm actually really excited about. Still, it's a lot of wear and tear on the body. Thank goodness I have to pile in the calories to make up for all the ones I'm burning away!

Better go and get oriented now...

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