Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My Amazing Child

let me take a moment to brag on my child, who is quite possibly the most amazing 18 month old on the planet...

Lately, Anthony has been into anything and everything alphabet or number related. Adam bought him a set of foam alphabet letters and numbers for his bathtub, which propelled Anthony to get over his dislike of the bath. Now he eagerly runs to the tub when we ask him if he wants to take a bath, and will sit until the water goes lukewarm just picking up his letters and numbers and identifying them. The number 2, his favorite, is often a bedtime or car companion now as well. The kid can identify the letters and numbers he knows out in the world as well, and will excitedly point and repeat to the letter of choice when he spies it outside of our home.

He also received a set of the old fashioned, wooden alphabet blocks from my dad last Christmas. I can interrupt anything he's doing, whether it be his favorite t.v. show or him just running around like crazy, and bring him to rapt attention by pulling the blocks one-by-one out of the bag and identifying them. He'll sit wide eyed and fascinated, repeating what I say like a little parrot, until we make it through the whole set and begin again. Totally amazing.

1 comment:

MiMi said...

That's our boy, a joy and wonder to
behold and watch!!