Friday, August 15, 2008

The End of my Computer Era

My last cybercamp photoshop masterpiece, mommy tiger and cracker-eating cub

Well, the era of slack is ending. I am leaving Giant Campus. No more will friends be envious of my days spent surfing the internet and watching old 80's sitcoms on YouTube. I'm embarking on a new venture as the franchise owner and instructor of Baby Boot Camp. I'll be spending my days helping other moms get back into shape and find their post-baby sanity again, and chasing after Anthony. The slacker life as I knew it is no more.

It was a decision that did not come easy to me. I struggled long and hard with whether or not I'm a complete idiot to leave a job where they paid me to do nothing. After nearly three years though, doing nothing left me restless, tired, and unmotivated. When I found myself walking out feeling like a complete loser, I knew it was time to do something different. I've never had a job where I was in complete control of my own destiny before. It's exciting, but intimidating. There's no one else to blame but yourself when things don't go well. I think my feelings will be hurt if I go to Adam complaining about my lousy boss!

I don't know how this venture's going to turn out. A year from now I maybe applying for another work-for-the-man job. Or, I may have 50 clients on my roster, two other instructors working for me, and be scouting my fourth and fifth location. Who knows. All I do know is I'll work very hard to make this business successful, and let the chips fall where they may

No more Cybercamps, retirees, or Excel classes for me. My sister in law Aimee said recently, "do what you love, and the money will come." I'm making that my mantra and hoping fate guides the rest into place.

Goodbye, MacDill Family Resource Center. Goodbye, Giant Campus. Thanks for a great 2 and a half years.



Sheramy Bundrick said...

If you get lonely for Excel classes, you can teach me all the features. :-)

Good Luck sweetie!

MiMi said...

Good Luck,my girl. I know you will
be a success!!!! Mom